
SHOBUでは、さまざまな障がいに対して、人が本来持っている「力」を引き出し、 発揮できる「エンパワメント」の発想をもとに、 健康管理、リハビリテーション、ADL(日常生活動作)トレーニング、自立生活支援、レクリエーションなどの各プログラムの 他、 豊富なオプションサービスにより個人個人のニーズにあわせた、きめ細かなケアサポートを行っています。

Life for Mutual Support

At SHOBU, we provide care tailored to the individual needs of our clients, whose disabilities vary. Based on the concept of empowerment of through expressing the abilities that are intrinsic to human beings, we implement programs for health management, rehabilitation, training for activities of daily living (ADL), support for independent living, and recreational activities, plus a rich variety of optional services.

Living Support Center Shobu Gakuen


心地よい暮らしの柱をつくるものは、人を変えようとするのではなく、自分は自分のままであることです。 成長、発達、進化その反対側にある私たちが最も大切にしていることは、“変わらないこと”。 つまり、自分が変わるのではなく、より自分らしさに近づいていくことを共有し、その人にとってやさしいケアのある心地よい居場所を創り出していくこと。

“Where You Are Who You Are”

Building the pillars for satisfying, enjoyable lives means not trying to change people but accepting each of us just as we are. What we value most is “not changing.” We stand on the opposite side of growth, development, progress. Instead of changing you, we hope you can share getting closer to who you really are. That is how we create an agreeable place to be, with gentle care, for each person.
Our goal is creating a space that functions as a new community, a new place to be. It is a place that provides the variety that is a vital part of human activities, with a fusion of public and private, amidst a peaceful daily life with goals, albeit fuzzy.

ライフサポートセンター しょうぶ学園




Living Support Center Shobu Gakuen

Support for Those Admitted to the Facility
We provide comprehensive support for those admitted to the center, with care that includes bathing, toiletting, meals at night and on holidays and a full range of support for everyday life activities.

Short Stay and Day Care Support (local government programs)
We provide support for daily life for persons with disabilities or other issues who live at home but need support at a care facility for limited periods of time due, for example, to the caregiver’s illness.

Life Care Program
For persons with disabilities who need continuous care, we provide care for ADL (bathing, excretion, meals), support for daily life, and opportunities for creative activities.

Day Care Support Center Do Shobu


障がい者や職員や一般のお客さんも含めて、ここにはいろんな普通の人たちが集っている。 昼寝をする、食べる、働く、作る、話す、遊ぶ。 いろんな価値観の人間同士が意見を出しあい、自分と考えの違う人と恊働する。偶然の出会いから生まれた信頼関係によって、自分では考えもしなかったそれまでの自分の世界になかった新しいアイディアが生まれてくる。価値観の幅の持ち様によって何が正しいことなのかが変わってくる。 「人には尊厳があり、それぞれに皆おもしろいのだ」と思えるそこにこそ、普通の「皆楽」な日常がある、働く場がある、アートがあると考えています。

“Under the laurel tree”

Disabled persons, staff members, and ordinary visitors—all sorts of everyday people gather here. We nap, eat, work, create, talk, and play.
Here, human beings with all sorts of values share opinions and work together with people who think differently from themselves. The trust built through those accidental encounters leads to new ideas, ideas that one had never thought of before. And having new ideas and a broader range of values means that “what’s right” changes.
“Human beings have dignity. Each is fascinating in his or her own way.” That idea inspires our thinking towards daily life with pleasure for all, with a place to work and with art.

デイサービスセンター Doしょうぶ



Day Care Support Center Do Shobu

Life Care Program
For persons with disabilities who need continuous care, we provide care for ADL (bathing, excretion, meals), support for daily life, and opportunities for creative activities.

Training for Independence Program
The focus of this program is enhancing the client’s independent ADL (including housework and other skills for daily life), in order to sustain and increase their capacity for living in the local community.

B-type Employment Continuation Support Program
This program provides an opportunity to work and engage in productive activities for persons with disabilities for whom finding employment in conventional workplaces is difficult. We also provide support to improve the knowledge and skills needed for employment.

Shobu Cultural and Art Support Center “Amua no mori"


精神的な自由と喜びを見出し、お互いの個性の違う存在に幸福感を享受し、その力が新しい創造的で 情熱的なエネルギーを生み出していくということだと思います。



“A planet living in the eyes of a donkey”

The ability to create and to give expression exists in each of us from the moment we are born. Laughing, crying, accepting kindness, rejoicing—those are the rich experiences and feelings that we as human beings are blessed with. As we grow up, we form our own ideas and actions, our own selves.hat we should cherish in that process is recognizing, praising, and nurturing.
Discovering spiritual freedom and joy, we happily accept each other, with all our differences. That power creates new creative, enthusiastic energy.

The power to support someone in distress, even a little
The power to put serious ideas into action, even a little
The power to be kind to the earth, even a little

That’s the mindset with which we will take good care of Amua no Mori.

しょうぶ文化芸術支援センター アムアの森 事業内容


【児童発達支援事業 KIDS+A】

【放課後等デイサービス事業 KIDS+B】

【生活介護事業 ART+】

【コミュニティアートホール アムアホール】
アムアホールは地域に住む人たちに対して、音楽会、展覧会、演劇、ワークショップ等 を開催し、芸術を体験していただくためのコミュニティアートホールです。 地域の人と人との交流を図り、芸術が地域再生に結びつくきっかけとなるような役割を担います。 また、子ども向けのプログラムと連携して、本物に触れることの大切さ、子どもたちの芸術・表現活動への興味・関心を育て、様々なアーティストとの交流等により、感動を他者と分かち合える機会を提供します。

Shobu Cultural and Art Support Center“Amua no mori"

A new type of art center, “Amua no mori” is a community-interactive facility based on cultural and artistic programs. Associated with social welfare programs provided by Shobu Gakuen, Amua no mori encourages children, people with disability and local community to take their initiative.

Service Description

Child Developmental Support Center KIDS+A
Laughing, crying, showing affection and pleasure in plays. We support the clients’ joy of growing rich emotions, thinking, creating and expressing along with communication.

Afterschool Care Service Center KIDS+B
Nature and people, person and person meet together. We provide environment that grow clients’ interests with their own pace.

ART+ Life Care Program Center
We are engaged in providing an environment that can support the clients’ artistic activities through creating such as painting, embroidery and crafting.

Amua Hall, Community Art Hall
Amua Hall is a community art hall that offers the opportunities to experience real art performances to our community and neighbors by having concert, play, exhibitions, and workshops. We are engaged in interacting with community, and we take the key role to revitalize local connections by art. Plus, associating with children’s educational programs, we introduce children the opportunity to experience the genuine artistic activities to grow their natural curiosity and interest, and we provide children exchange with various artists to share their feeling of excitement with others.

Local Living Support Center



“To live in your own way”

When a person seeking self actualization is trying to live positively, and when the environment (the means) is there, then that person will glow. Support for independent living, being able to follow one’s own thinking and values is what matters. Economic or social independence is not our perspective.
Waiting, listening, seeing, we learn what people need and provide the environment, the means, for them to live enjoyably. If the right environment is in place, any human being, with or without disabilities, will move towards self actualization.
What matters, we think, is not merely providing assistance but focusing our energies on opening up the path to those means, that environment, for people with intellectual disabilities.

地域生活支援センター 事業内容



【ホームヘルプサービスセンター Beしょうぶ】

【地域生活ホーム グループホームしょうぶ】

Local Living Support Center

Shobu Support Consultation Center
We offer counseling on the use of social welfare services and on care management for persons withs disabilities and their families or caregivers.

Be Shobu, Home Help Services
We provide support as needed, sending home helpers to assist with bathing, toiletting, and meals and provide assistance with housework and on outings.

Group Home Shobu, a Local Living Support Home
Here we provide a residence for shared living in the community and support for daily life and activities.